
👋 Hi, I'm Susan! Welcome to my happy space and thanks for stopping by. 

I'm a product designer by day and spend a significant amount of my day staring at a screen and designing digital products. When the pandemic kicked in, like many others, I was itching to try something new as a way to cope with the realities of the situation presented before us and spend more time offline.

I took up ceramics as a hobby in early 2021 and spending time in the studio quickly became something I excitedly looked forward to every Thursday and Friday. Making something tangible with my bare hands felt empowering and freeing. I started Sugi Ceramics as a way to document and share my journey with clay – I hope that my work brightens up your day and act as a reminder to be present and kind to yourself always. 

So happy you're here for the ride – take care and have a good clay ☺